Welcome to May i

May i is a movement that has started in May 2019 and hopefully run and run for many generations helping millions and millions of people around the world.
It revolves around a basic humanitarian concept.
To help others and to care.

Stay Connected

Here is where your blogs will be seen.
Click on the link below to post your May i stories in Facebook and they will show here on the official May i site.
Thank you for contributing!
Facebook Link

Everyday support for the disabled

Charity of the Year
Royal Mail also runs a Charity of the Year Scheme. This enables colleagues to claim penny for penny matched
giving for money raised for the Charity of the Year. Please read the separate Charity of the Year Scheme
guidelines if you want to claim matched giving for the Charity of the Year. You cannot claim matched giving
for the Charity of the Year under the Community Support Scheme.
Learn more

Integration instead of exclusion

Supporting the disabled requires direct communication and assistance. That’s why our volunteers work hard to develop and maintain social relationships with the people they serve.
Learn more
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